Dear Reader, Allow me to invite you on an exciting journey. The setting of my upcoming book is a unique and special European city, simultaneously a historical and cultural hub. Here, Amelia, a young intellectual woman, resides. Through her thrilling, entertaining, and occasionally tumultuous story, it unfolds how the rapidly evolving world has created a significant gap between inherited...
Diana Kassim
Kassim Diana is a Yemeni-born, British-Hungarian author. Her unique perspective is inspired by personal knowledge of different cultures and deep respect for them. A defining element of her creative journey is to showcase the ever-changing dynamics of societies. She understands Western trends as well as the Eastern, tradition-based worldview. Having worked in the media for nine years, collaborating with representatives of various artistic fields, she gained a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of creative domains. This interdisciplinary approach also characterizes her own work and plays a significant role in her art.
Kassim Diana is trained as a visual artist, graduating in 2020 from the Fine Art program at Nottingham Trent University. During her education, she not only acquired technical skills but also gained insights into the perspectives of young British creatives and intellectuals, which serves as a starting point for new trends and movements worldwide. With special sensitivity and understanding, she is able to convey and make it accessible to audiences with diverse backgrounds.